I'm quite sure that this was taken on my 3rd Birthday. I remember the dress and matching headband, made for me by my Mum...she sewed so many of our clothes when we were small, still sews beautifully but her talents have now extended to quilting, beading and mosaics.
I have a photo of me with my younger brother Mitchell, he was about 4 months old at the time and I was wearing this dress, so the timeline fits. I haven't seen him for close to 25 years now and have been thinking a lot of him lately. He left by his choice and hasn't had any contact with our family. I have a post about him I am working on, just in case someone out there in cyberspace knows him. I'd love to know how he is, whether he is happy, does he have a family of his own..??
More about him anon.
There's that car in the background again...!!!
I say you honor yourself and buy a pair of Big Girl red patent shoes! A friend of mine has a pair of them - high heels, peep toe - they are to DIE FOR! Very delicious shoes, indeed!
Your few words on your brother made me sigh. I hope you hear something...anything. I cannot imagine my sisters just deciding to 'leave.'
You were an adorable little girl! I can't imagine NOT having my brother in my life. I hope you connect happily.
I'm with Buddha girl on the high healed red patents. Hell, maybe I'LL go buy some!!
I had not heard about your brother before, Kerrie. Families are mysterious things aren't they. ((((((((hugs)))))))) I hope someday you learn about his life.
Hey, I'll have to post one of my Santa photos, I've got a pair of red shoes too. Must have been a girly thing? I've got a HS reunion coming up & I might go get myself a funky pair?????
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