...the harder we fall...
Last Friday I had a terrific day out. I won some tickets to a live show and broadcast by ABC Brisbane for the launch of the Brisbane Festival. It was held in the
Famous Spiegeltent which has come to own for the festival duration.
I trekked into the city on the train, met my cousin Joan and had (an unfortunately mediocre) early lunch. We made our way to the Spiegeltent and queued up for entry. The inside of the tent is just spectacular. It's a Belgian Beer Tent and fitted out in art deco style, rich red & gold fabric, gorgeous stained glass, cherub chandeliers hanging from the tent roof.
ABC 612 Afternoon Show hosted by
Richard Fidler (formerly of the Doug Anthony All Stars) was being broadcast live and an exciting afternoon's entertainment was promised. Richard is a very charming host, intelligent & congenial and I listen to his show almost daily.
During the 2pm news I went out into the street in search of a cold drink. I whizzed across the road and picked up a takeaway cafe latte and a couple of cold drinks and headed back. I was hurrying but not outrageously so when very suddenly I found myself hurtling through the air towards the footpath in George Street. In what seemed like an eternity but was only seconds I had hit the ground landing on my face, coffee and drinks flew from my hands and my purse disappeared from sight, sunglasses skewed across my face...it was not pretty let me tell you, not pretty at all.
Very fortunately there were a number of very concerned and kindly people who came to my assistance, helping me to my feet and leading me to sit for a few moments and collect my thoughts and breath. One man in particular was very concerned and wanted to escort me back to the Spiegeltent but instead just saw me across the road after my insisting I was okay.
Once safely inside again I went to pieces, began to shiver from shock and had to hold back the tears. I inspected the damage...painful right elbow, both knees very sore, felt like I had shredded the skin on them but didn't want to drop my pants in public to check. My back (which has been giving me a lot of trouble) was throbbing and I could feel the pain down my leg. By far though the greatest injury though was to my pride...I felt terribly foolish, especially because I cannot work out how it happened. Did I blank out for a moment..?? Stumble on uneven ground..?? I just cannot remember. Very fortunately I won't have to face any of the people who came to assist me again.
Do you know something though..?? I don't know how it happened, or didn't happen as the case may have been, but the drinks and the coffee remained intact...!!! The glass bottles did not break and the lid stayed on the coffee, just a trickle escaped. Astonishing...a miracle perhaps..?? After all, there is a Pope in town.
I relaxed and was able to enjoy the rest of the show, then Joan & I walked over the river to South Brisbane Station to get the train home. I had to stand almost all the way and was very sore and could feel my joints beginning to ache by the time I got home. I have spent the weekend in quite a bit of pain, especially my back and the bruises that have emerged on my knees and elbow.
It could have been a lot worse, I can see how easily it must happen to elderly people and how confused and shaken they must feel, it must really rock their confidence.