Seven weeks ago Matilda's flute was stolen from the music storeroom at school. The students store their instruments for safekeeping during the day until they are needed for class...the room is always kept locked. For some reason the store room was not locked this particular day and when she went to collect her flute it was missing, along with two school instruments.
After a great deal of back & forth email & phoning, the school accepted responsibility for the theft and agreed to reimburse us for a replacement. There was some degree of angst involved as Matilda's instrumental music teacher addressed her in class, accusing us of making up lies about her flute having been stolen and that we wanted to "profiteer" from the school so we could get her a new flute. She then went on to say that Matilda's flute was nowhere as expensive or as good a quality as I had claimed and that we were being difficult and "cantankerous". Let me add that at this point in proceedings there had been no claim made by me as to the quality and value of Matilda's instrument.
That conversation was downright wrong, not to mention highly inappropriate of her to speak to a student in front of the class in that manner. All we wished (apart from the flute not having been stolen) was for restitution. The matter of an apology and retraction is still ongoing.

...and we have had some quite heavy rain since it went missing...
My best guess is that it was stolen by someone who wasn't able to sell it to a Cash Converters type store. It's a small mercy that the thief had a fit of conscience and decided not to offload it in a dumpster.
Matilda is beside herself and incredulous when I told her...all she really wanted was to have her very own instrument back. She knows it so well, the silver keys have moulded to fit her fingertips and the lip plate fits curved against her bottom lip so perfectly.
She is one happy possum indeed.
Thank you for your kind comments about my Aunt. Her funeral is next Tuesday in Melbourne. Matilda and I will be heading down on Monday morning and will stay for a few days. It will be good to catch up with family we haven't seen since the last family wedding...around 6 years ago now.
I can't believe it - WOW...that is just absolutely astounding that you have it back...I thought that would never happen in a million years...too bad about that appology (sigh). That may not happen for a million years.
We'll be thinking of you next week. Peaceful thoughts as you head down the coast to remember her & spend time with family.
I'm so very relived to hear that Matilda won't be worried about her missing flute, and hopefully, the issue will be put to rest.
With that said, I would have gone for that teacher's jugular. Who the hell did she think she was confronting a kid about something that was a TEACHER'S responsibility. This from a public school teacher. I would have been hard-pressed to not file a letter of complaint against her that would have found its way into her personnel file. What an idiot.
Amy...glad to hear your thoughts, especially you being a teacher in the public system.
The issue of an apology and retraction is still ongoing...the teacher has denied the conversation however, it was heard in part by other students and in it's entirety by one of Matilda's friends.
In the interim there has been a two week school break and a new Principal at the school (who is fantastic BTW...contacted me regarding this situation on her second day in the job) and has spoken to Matilda several times regarding the incident.
I have nothing to say to this teacher. Matilda understands that she has to be polite to the teacher but that will be the extent of their interaction, she does not have to exchange pleasantries with her.
Rest assured that this won't just disappear into the ether...we are owed an apology and retraction of her allegations. I'm not letting it go.
Hi Kerrie, thanks for input on the BlogFrog.
My flute was stolen when I was in high school and I never got it back! Till this day, I don't know who took it. :(
My dad ended up buying me a new one (the stolen one, belonged to the school) and I still own it today! Although, it sits and collects dust...
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